If anyone has the soft copy of the book cambridge international as and a level computer science coursebook by sylvia langfield dave duddell. Hemophilia is an unusual sexlinked inherited hemorrhagic disorder, but it has contributed to the advancement of biomedical knowledge and medical practice at a. Buy cambridge international as and a level biology coursebook. A segment of a dna molecule that codes for the synthesis of a single polypeptide. Additionally, a manual search for conference abstracts in the last. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to share notes in biology. Examining the blood disorder of haemophilia biology essay.
Biology notes form 4 pdf biology form 4 questions and. Each enzyme has its own optimum temperature, enzymes in humans have optimum temperatures of around 40 degrees. The new as and a level specifications are fully coteachable, to give you flexibility with your teaching arrangements. Buy aqa a level biology student book 1 aqa a level science uk ed. See more ideas about biochemistry, biology and chemistry. I have found a link where a pdf format of the book as and a level computer science coursebook of sylvia langfled and dav duddell but i have been able to. It covers the topics that the 201112 syllabus examines just fine. Buy cambridge international as and a level biology. Haemophilia, or hemophilia is a group of inherited blood disorders in which the blood does not clot properly.
Sometime download link s isare not visible on mobile devices, so if you face this issue, kindly do visit this page via laptopdesktop computer. Written by an experienced teacher and examiner, cambridge igcse biology coursebook with cdrom third edition gives comprehensive and accessible coverage of the syllabus content. Hemophilia is diagnosed through a blood test to measure the factor viii or factor ix levels that circulate in the blood. The ph is a scale measuring the acidity or alkalinity of a substance or. Known as a rare disease to individuals, haemophilia has two main inheritable types, haemophilia and haemophilia b. Has the ability to repair itself, to fight off attacking microorganisms and adapt to a variety of situations often time microorganisms enter the body and attempt to infect the body causing a disease a disease is a condition where an organism experiences impaired function often with detrimental symptoms. Centre for vascular biology, school of pharmacy and biomedical sciences. Often time microorganisms enter the body and attempt to infect the body causing a disease.
This is a partially permeable membrane separating the cell from the environment its made of lipid and protein, it controls movement of substances in and out, its strong but flexible. Suggestions for practical activities are included, designed to help develop the required experimental skills, with full guidance included on the cdrom. Each chapter cambridge international as and a level biology meets the requirements of the cambridge syllabuses for cambridge international as level and a level biology, and is endorsed by cambridge for use. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Serious complications can result from bleeding into.
People with severe hemophilia b less than 1% factor level have bleeding following. Download zimsec a level biology green books document. Hemophilia is a rare disorder in which your blood doesnt clot normally because it lacks sufficient bloodclotting proteins clotting factors. This paper will consist of questions based solely on core.
Normally, when you cut yourself, substances in your blood known as clotting factors mix with blood cells called platelets to make your blood sticky and form a clot. A sequence of three bases in trna that is complementary to a codon in mrna. Factor viii is an acutephase factor that rises two to fourfold during an inflammatory response to infection, cancer, surgery, trauma, and other stimuli. Free download cambridge international as and a level biology. The course includes regular tutormarked assignments, is supported by a syllabusspecific textbook, and makes full use of. Factor viii and factor ix levels are measured as a percentage. As you can see, however, it is somewhat out of date, having been replaced at least once by newer editions of the book. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like you. It should be useful as a revision guide or to find alternative explanations to the ones in your textbook. Although it is passed down from parents to children, about of cases are caused by a spontaneous mutation, a change in a gene. If there are problems with this book, in clarity or a conflict with the syllabus, please feel free to post on the discussion page or to edit it. Nov 25, 2012 for a level biology, suited for unit 5 of the ocr exam board. Energy and respiration photosynthesis homeostasis coordination inherited change selection and evolution. Aiceap biology aice environmental management a level biology.
The term biology comes from two greek words bios means life and logos means knowledge. Plants have enzymes with optimum temperature of about 25 degrees. Aqa a level biology student book 1 aqa a level science. Define homeostasis and explain its importance to normal human functioning. Before sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages. Oct 31, 2012 this new edition of cambridge international as and a level biology is fully updated to cover the 2014 syllabus and endorsed by cambridge international examinations. Sexlinked traits hemophilia a level biology unit 5. This book is aimed at guiding and enhancing understanding of biology content and developing the skills of learners at lower secondary school level for sustainable education and economic development. Genetics practice multiple choice questions the first three questions are based on the pedigree to the right.
This is where all a level resources will be published. If you have hemophilia, you may bleed for a longer time after an injury than you would if your blood clotted normally. An extra finger in humans is rare but is due to a dominant gene. Both hemophilia a or b are xlinked recessive diseases. The major types of this condition are hemophilia a also known as classic hemophilia or factor viii deficiency and hemophilia b also known as. Hemophilia a is an xlinked bleeding disorder that occurs in 1. The clotting factor level is shown as a percentage %. Hemophilia a, also called factor viii fviii deficiency or classic hemophilia, is a genetic disorder caused by missing or defective factor viii, a clotting protein. The disease is xlinked and thus occurs much more commonly in males. The pink color is caused by an allele of the gene that determines body color. Pdf cambridge international as and a level biology. Hemophilia is medically treated with the administration of factor viii, in the case of hemophilia a, or of factor ix, in the case of hemophilia b, by means of blood or fresh frozen plasma transfusions.
The average factor level in the population is 100% but a level between 50 and 150 % are considered to be normal. A 2 x x x x x 3 x x x x x xx x aqa 1 xxx x xx x spec. Genetic terminology and definitions list alevel biology. Cambridge igcse biology textbook pdf by dg mackean and hayward. Hemophilia a is an xlinked recessive disorder resulting in deficiency of plasma factor viii coagulant activity, occurring in 1 in 5000 male births. Cambridge international as and a level biology coursebook mary jones, richard fosbery, jennifer gregory and dennis taylor cambridge international as and a level biology coursebook fourth edition gregory and taylor jones, fosbery, mary jones, richard fosbery, jennifer gregory and dennis taylor cambridge international as and a. This is a jelly like substance, its made of mostly water and protein. They have been recommended by students and teachers. A person can have mild, moderate, or severe hemophilia. The characteristic indicated by the blackened figures is probably. People with this condition experience prolonged bleeding or oozing following an injury, surgery, or having a tooth pulled. On this page you can read or download zimsec a level biology green books in pdf format. All these concepts are covered in the list of biology articles for the easier finding.
The average factor level in the population is 100% but a level between 50. Learners should follow the biology curriculum content and use the book to. Please note that the scheme of assessment has changed since 2005. Mar 27, 2015 buy aqa a level biology student book 1 aqa a level science uk ed. In severe cases of hemophilia, continuous bleeding occurs after minor trauma or even in the absence of injury spontaneous bleeding. This new edition of cambridge international as and a level biology is fully updated to cover the 2014 syllabus and endorsed by cambridge international examinations. Cambridge international as and a level computer science. Biology is the natural science which studies life and living organisms, including their function. Mary jones is also the head of biology department for cambridge alevel exams. Even the most complex of processes have been broken down to allow you, the student, to be able to learn the most difficult of concepts in the comfort of your own palms. A disease is a condition where an organism experiences impaired function often with detrimental symptoms.
The a level biology app from learnersbox contains over 90 pages of material compatible with all exam boards. This book was a recommended textbooks for the cie biology a level text. B 2 x x x x 3a x x x ocr 1 x x x x x x x x 2xx xx x x 3x x edexcel 1 xxxxx x 2b x x x xxx 2hb xx xx 3 xx wjec 1 xxxxx xx x x 2xxx x modules which are common. It has always been thought that the allele causing the pink color was recessive, but breeding experiments in 20 showed surprisingly. Haemophilia is a rare condition that affects the bloods ability to clot. The alevel biology app from learnersbox contains over 90 pages of material compatible with all exam boards. A level biology a level distance learning oxford open. The best biology as and a level notes, revision guides, tips and websites compiled from all around the world at one place for your ease so you can prepare for your tests and examinations with the satisfaction that you have the best resources available to you. As and a level biology will be linear qualifications. Factor viii inhibitors that occur as autoantibodies in nonhemophiliacs produce a condition called acquired hemophilia a that has an incidence of 11.
Hemophilia is a condition in which the blood does not clot properly. Apr 08, 2015 cambridge international as and a level biology is ideal for learners who want to study biology or a wide variety of related subjects at university or to follow a career in science. More than 100 diseases can be detected including hemophilia a, muscular dystrophy, taysachs disease, cystic fibrosis and down syndrome. Cambridge international as and a level biology course book by mary jones. If a father and a son are both hemophiliacs, but the mother is normal, her genotype must be.
Has the ability to repair itself, to fight off attacking microorganisms and adapt to a variety of situations. This book assumes that you have completed gcse science. The following text books are a good aid to your learning. This book is based on the ocr and aqa alevel biology specifications, but is not endorsed by either exam board. Accordingly biology has been divided into two branches. Alevel biology wikibooks, open books for an open world. Oblongwinged katydids are normally green and well camouflaged. This book was a recommended textbooks for the cie biology alevel text. Some individuals show a persistent elevation of factor viii activity in the absence of an. Other genes on the y chromosome are important for male fertility. Book january 2006 with 164,426 reads how we measure reads a read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title. May 21, 2017 created using powtoon free sign up at youtube create animated videos and animated presentations for free.
Blood sample, hemophilia a, hemophilia b, kadapa read more publication authors. Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder that slows the blood clotting process. The books are separated into the relevant exam boards. It can lead to excessive bleeding and hemorrhages and it is fatal in some. List of biology articles for students is designed by the subject experts who consider these topics are most important in view of examination. Whats the best textbook for learning a level biology. The new as and a level biology whilst much will seem familiar to you, there are some changes and new additions to our as and a level biology from september 2015. Biology one of the important subject that features diagrams, descriptions, explanation of relations and differences. They are evaluated using gilbert score gs, pediatric functional reach test frt, time up and go test tug and technobody balance device in order to show. The oxford open learning a level biology course takes you from ground level right to the cutting edge of this exciting and rapidlydeveloping discipline. When one parent is normal and the other parent has an extra finger but is heterozygous for the trait, what is the probability that the.
Hemophilia is a sexlinked recessive trait in humans. Use appropriate anatomical terminology to identify key body structures, body. So couples using ivf can use genetic screening of their embryos by having a cell removed from their embryos and tested for its genotype. Free download cambridge international as and a level biology coursebook 4th edition in pdf. Biology articles get complete list of biology articles. Kindly follow the instructions to unlock the download link s. Chandler md, in transfusion medicine and hemostasis third edition, 2019. A level biology book pdf free download gcecompilation. Buy cambridge international as and a level biology coursebook with cdrom cambridge international examinations book online at best prices in india on. Book january 2006 with 164,426 reads how we measure reads a read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a. Haemophilia a is the most common form and is caused by having reduced levels of clotting factor viii 8. In one volume, this textbook covers the complete as level syllabus, the core a level syllabus and the new applications of biology section. It may also be called the level of deficiency or the level of severity. Hemophilia is an unusual sexlinked inherited hemorrhagic disorder, but it has contributed to the advancement of biomedical knowledge and medical practice at a level that far exceeds its relatively.
Get biology as and a level notes here at my new website. It is an approved treatment of patients with hemophilia a with or without inhibitors. Serious complications can result from bleeding into the joints. Distinguish between anatomy and physiology, and identify several branches of each. If you dont see any interesting for you, use our search form on bottom. Fviii coagulant levels by one stage clotting or chromogenic. Severity levels hemophilia the basics hog handbook. Hemophilia is a hereditary genetic disorder affecting the blood clotting process in afflicted individuals.
Approximately 50% of acquired hemophilia a patients have underlying conditions, including autoimmune disorders, malignancy, and pregnancy. As and a level biology b brandnew courses for september 2015 combining traditional and modern topics. Deficiency of fviii leads to hemophilia a about 1 in 5000 to 10,000 male births and deficiency of fix produces hemophilia b about 1 in 20,000 to 35,000 male births. Biology chapter number fication 12345 678 9101112141516171819 aqa 1 x x x x x x spec. The course is accessible even if you have done little science before. Pdf since the publication of the sequence of the factor viii f8 gene in 1984, a large number of mutations that. Embraced by cambridge international examinations and completely supporting the prerequisites of the most recent cambridge international as and a level biology syllabus 9700 for first examination in 2016, this coursebook thoroughly covers all the learning and aptitudes understudies require amid this course. It depends on how much working clotting factor is in the blood.
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